
Guild Records
Merits of The Month
Merit Reward

Click the link below to access forum...*Note all members of th guild are required to use there guild characters name to register on the forum this will help keep non members out of our stuff*

Forum and guild mail Click Here!

Members- Please note i will add you to the forums list as soon as possible.  I will create your account using your guild name from in game and will mail you where password in game mail.  Please change your password as soon as you log in. Thank you for your understnading in that im only one person tring to get this moving atm lol.  Hope to establish a few good Modorators soon, if you are intrested in becoming a moderator let me know.  To be a moderator I require you to have a good working knowledge of the game as well as your willingness to help others.  My modorators will not be tasked with disciplinary problems only managment of forums and questions.  Id like to find a few good people to place in charge of diffrent areas you know an expert of Rogues or Blacksmithing.  You need to be diverse in the area and not single minded.  If you are intressted in a class possition PM me on the forums with 3 diffrent builds of the class you want with explinations on the builds and how they work. 

Please make sure to clear out your mail on the forum on a regular basis,  we use a free provider so we have limited space thank you all -Pylock-