Merit Reward
Guild Records
Merits of The Month
Merit Reward

Merits count towards rank improvment as well as rewards in game given on a regular basis.  Times and dates of rewards will be announced.  Reward will be based on event and dificulty to complete the task. 

Merit Reward will be based off a few things...
-First by character level you will receive 1 merits  per 5 levels you have at the time of tally.  Always rounded down. (max merits 12)
- Second you will receive 1 Merit per 100 Honor Kill or Dishoner(higher of the two) at time of tally Based off life time kills. (max merits 50) Members who reach Outlaw statues and maintian it as a functional part of his character will receive an aditional 10 Merits for Hardship living.
-Third Officer Rewarded Merits(max 10 Merits)
-Fourth Member Requests for Merits (subject to reveiw to aprove via Senior Officers)  (max 5 Merits)
-Fifth Donations Merits vary Based on total amoutn given for the consideration of your level.( Max Merits 100)

Maximum Possable Merit Points= 187

Officer Reward Merits are referals to myself by an Officer that a member had done somethign great or beyond the regular peramiters required by the guild.